gonemad 0 Nov 3, 2011 #1 Try your luck,I fell down when it came to ID ing the Dodge Chryco stuff,only got 77% http://www.americantorque.com/game/car-show-50s/
Try your luck,I fell down when it came to ID ing the Dodge Chryco stuff,only got 77% http://www.americantorque.com/game/car-show-50s/
T ThatAMCGuy 0 Nov 3, 2011 #6 Wow. How did I get 100% ? To be fair, the Mercury question I picked out the '51 and '55 easy..... I guessed which was '52 and '54. They're both so similar.
Wow. How did I get 100% ? To be fair, the Mercury question I picked out the '51 and '55 easy..... I guessed which was '52 and '54. They're both so similar.