Fenderless on British Columbia Roads


Follows is the contents of an interesting letter for car buffs:

Fenderless on British Columbia Roads

An update from the Fender less Steering Committee – March 20, 2017
Since our last communiqué, we have continued ongoing discussion with staff of the
Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, including the Commercial Vehicle
Safety & Enforcement Branch, and Insurance Corporation of British Columbia.
Two important decisions have come out of our most recent discussions on March
17, 2017.

First, is an agreement that the Manager of Policy Development for the Ministry will
start a review this week for a process to remove the requirement within the revised
Motor Vehicle Act requiring fender less cars to be registered into the Collector Plate
Program. This change will allow owners of fender less cars to decide which plate to
operate – blue, personalize, or collector (modified).
We will continue to report progress.

Second, is an agreement whereby anyone wanting information on fenderless cars
(construction, safety, license, insurance) can obtain answers though an online
“Fenderless Question and Answer” process to be set up on the British Columbia Hot
Rod Association website. To help facilitate this information source, please send any
questions you would like answered to email; danlond3549@gmail.com by March 30.
More to come.

Dan London, for
The Fenderless Steering Committee:
Jim winter, Rick Ross, Dan London, Art Brumpton, Keith Biddlecombe
Tel. 604.818.8162