Swap meet (april 30th)

Rockin in The Rockies is sponsering a SWAP MEET in Cranbrook April 30th from 11am to 3pm at the Tamarack Mall parking lot south of Zellers along the creek. Bring your CAR,TRUCK, MOTORCYCLE, ATV and SNOMOBILE parts. A box full or a truck full. Don't forget a table to display things and a comfortable chair. Contact Wayne Day 250-427-3499 A donation of $5.00 is requested to help offset expences Don't forget the one hour time difference.

This is the same weekend as the Cranbrook Trades Fair so there is another reason to come. Hope to see you there!
Sound like a reason to cruise to Cranbrook. What kind of a plan do you have, or is there one?
The start time of 11am is to give guys from out of town a little more time to get there and set up. I will be there by 8:30am so when you arrive I can direct you to a spot. Try to bring some change and small bills. I believe that the TD bank is open on saturday, and it is about 3 blocks up Victoria street. You can use your tailgate, a table, or the ground to display your parts. If your parts might leak oil please bring some kind of tray or bucket to catch it in. If you have any questions please ask or phone me.
Apparantly they had so much fun doing this, they decided to do it again in October! I can't remember the date but i'm sure Wayne will let us know the fine tunin's
Yup! We are planning another swap meet for 01 October (a Saturday) Same location and same times. Will post it and send flyers when things are firmed up. So start making a list of the items you are planning to bring so you don't forget anything.
If this date clashes with any other event in our area please let me know.
